Ludo Hero

Played 637 times.

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Theme and Setting: "Ludo Hero" adheres to the traditional Ludo board layout, which is a square with a cross-shaped play space, divided into four colored areas.
Objective: The main goal is to move all four of your pieces around the board and into your home column, which is the path of the same color as your pieces, before the other players.
Gameplay Elements: The game involves rolling a single die to determine movement and includes elements of strategy in blocking other players and capturing their pieces.

Starting the Game: Each player chooses a color and places their four pieces in their respective starting area.
Rolling the Die: Players take turns rolling a six-sided die. To move a piece out of the starting area, you must roll a six.
Moving Pieces: Once a piece is in play, a roll of the die determines how many spaces you move a piece forward along the track.
Capturing Opponent’s Pieces: If you land on a space occupied by an opponent’s piece, their piece is captured and sent back to their starting area.
Safe Spaces: Certain spaces on the board are marked as safe, where opponent pieces cannot capture your pieces.
Entering Home Column: To get your pieces off the board and into your home column, you must roll the exact number needed to get each piece in.





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